VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (by Avi Networks)

NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi) with Cloud Services has multi-cloud load balancing, web application firewall, and container ingress services. Customers gain flexible deployment and simplified control.

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Multi-Cloud Consistency
Simplify administration with centralized policies and operational consistency across on-premises data centers and public clouds, including VMware, OpenStack, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Pervasive Analytics
Gain unprecedented insights, including network, end users and security with real-time application performance monitoring, closed-loop analytics and deep machine learning.

Full Lifecycle Automation
Free infrastructure teams from manual tasks and enable DevOps teams with self-service. Application delivery automation toolkits include Python SDK, RESTful APIs, Ansible and Terraform integrations.

Future Proof
Extend application services such as container ingress and application security seamlessly to cloud-native applications in Kubernetes and OpenShift environments through a single platform with a modern, distributed architecture.